Here you will find updates from festival organisers and any news which relates to the festival.

Ashleigh Coghill Ashleigh Coghill

Empowering Communities

The Highlands & Islands Climate Festival belongs to the communities of the Highlands & Islands, without their incredibly hard work there would be nothing to celebrate! Having the theme of localism means the Festival connects people to place, and creates opportunity for sustainable community development. This year we’ve been encouraging communities to get involved with the Festival by hosting events that utilise their local produces & brings communities together. So how does the Festival empower communities?

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Ashleigh Coghill Ashleigh Coghill

Keeping Climate in Mind

Festival preparations are in full swing! Organisations are planning their events being held across Highland, Orkney & Shetland throughout September. Read on to get a round-up of local resources available across Highland, Orkney & Shetland that perhaps aren’t as well known, but very handy! Make the most of being able to hire resources instead of buying new ones, and support your local organisations. Hopefully these tips allow your events to run smoothly & sustainably.

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