Why is ‘Think Local, Be Local’ important?
The Highlands & Islands Climate Festival is a dedicated celebration of localism, we take ‘Think Local, Be Local’ very seriously in all Festival planning! But why is localism so important to the Climate Festival?
Celebrating Communities
The Festival belongs to the communities of the Highlands & Islands, so it is only natural that they are it’s main focus! There is an abundance of high quality produces & talents here, so it’s easy to utilise & celebrate. Think choosing local food suppliers, growing food where possible, using local people as special guests, and utilising local talents such as musicians.
By doing so, we create a spectacular show of what communities can achieve when they work together, and create opportunities for local ventures to thrive. This raises awareness in communities of local resources they can make the most of, enriching our culture and boosting our economy.
Sustainable, Low Carbon Choices
It won’t come as a surprise that using local produces has a much smaller carbon footprint than importing produces from miles away. This is a Climate Festival, so it’s important to consider the impact of resources on the climate, and by putting local first it reduces emissions associated with travel.
Shining a Spotlight
Throughout the whole year, community groups across the Highlands & Islands take climate action seriously. They consider environmental impact in their operations, create Sustainable Spaces & engage their communities in climate action. So for the month of September it’s special to celebrate all this hard work!
Some communities groups host Festival exclusive events to show their support for the climate, but for many they just keep doing what they always do. It’s important to us that we take a moment to celebrate the work being done not just in September, but all year long. Communities have the opportunity during the Festival to get involved with new groups, and these groups can engage new audiences in climate action.
Diverse Events Schedule
All across the Highlands & Islands unique events take place which celebrate their local areas in individual ways. The Festival programme is not the same in any two areas. From beach cleans, to foraging walks to woodland exploration - there is something for everyone.
The creative freedom community groups have to come up with events is very exciting! Our Festival Event Funding exists to allow groups to get creative without a financial strain to come up with new ways to empower & engage climate action.
Scottish Climate Week
From 23rd - 29th September 2024, Scotland celebrates it’s national Climate Week. This year the theme is ‘Stories for Change’ and we look forward to harnessing the power of storytelling to shine a spotlight on climate action happening here, to inspire more people, organisations and communities to take action.
Localism can be found in every element of the Festival. Get involved in the 2024 programme now!