How do we support involvement?

By taking part in the Highlands & Islands Climate Festival, you are joining a network of like-minded people better placed to make climate friendly changes both independently and as part of a wider collective.

Participation can come in many forms, on this page you’ll find information to get involved for:

You can get involved in a number of ways. From sharing our posts on social media to financially sponsoring the festival. Sponsorship is new for 2024 as we look to ensure our sustainability for years to come. If your business or organisation is interested to learn more about sponsoring the festival, you can view our sponsorship pack here. Should you wish to discuss sponsorship in more detail, please get in touch.

Our dedicated Development Officers are ideally placed to offer advice and knowledge on events taking place where you are, hosting an event and so much more. We’ve created helpful resources with guides on everything from Marketing to Health & Safety and our small grants can support your organisation to host a brilliant event.

for Community Groups

Hosting an Event

  • To be included within the Festival promotions, events will take place from the 1st - 30th September 2024 inclusive.

  • Hosting an event can be as simple or extravagant as you’d like. We appreciate how hard groups work and how busy you are and so, if you always host a suitable event in September, we encourage you to submit them for festival promotions. A specific festival event would be lovely, but it is not a requirement to inclusion.

  • You’re encouraged to reach out for support from the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub’s dedicated Development Officer for your area. They can help you research funding for your idea, put you in touch with likeminded groups or help you source materials for your event. To get the most from this opportunity, we encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible.

  • The Highlands and Islands Climate Hub has a range of resources available to borrow, it is hoped that these will make hosting an event easier for community groups so please do reach out to understand what’s available. There’s cameras, community engagement kits, AV equipment and much more.

Help us Spread the Word

  • Share our posts on Social media to help us reach new audiences. We’ll of course return the favour if you tag us in your event promotions. You’ll find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter-X.

  • Spotted some exciting festival activity happening in the next town or village? Help that community by sharing with your networks, there’s no competition when it comes to taking climate action!

for Individuals

Find an event to attend

  • Use our Events page to find events in your area and quite simply, attend! Community groups are always thrilled to see new and returning faces at their events. They work hard to host events so it’s rewarding when people enjoy them.

Got some feedback?

  • Its imperative that events and activities suit the needs of those who attend. So please, if you’re asked for feedback or to complete an evaluation form, please do so. Not only does feedback allow groups to grow and adapt their offerings, funders love to see feedback!

Sign up for updates

  • To get all the details direct to your inbox, please sign up to the festival mailing list at the bottom of this page. Not only will you get festival news, you’ll help us understand how many people enage with the festival digitally. We love a statistic! *Promise only carefully considered emails will be sent, no spam and no giving your details to third parties.

Help us spread the word

  • Word of mouth is arguably one of the best ways to communicate events like the Highlands and Islands Climate Festival, particularly within our local communites. Therefore, if you could help us share detail of the festival via your social media, or just by mentioning it to friends and family when you meet them for coffee, we would be thrilled! You’ll find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter-X.

for Businesses

Support events near you

  • Businesses come in all shapes and sizes and we wholeheartedly appreciate just how busy you are. So supporting events in any way is hugely appreciated. You could share our posts on social media to show your support or, encourage your team to get involved. We’re aware that some businesses offer volunteer hours to support community organisations which is an incredible resource. We would be thrilled to match your business to community groups in your area to allow your team to attend and support events. This kind of support could allow an event to take place which otherwise might have been out of reach for a voluntary organisation. Not to mention it offers a brilliant team building experience for employees!

Host an event

  • There are a range of ways in which businesses can host an event within the festival and it’s theme of ‘Think Local, Be Local, Share Local, Grow Local’. Offices could enjoy a local produce Friday afternoon buffet, or if you’re a hospitality business, you could celebrate the local suppliers you use within your menus. Perhaps you could create a special ‘local producers’ menu for the duration of the festival. Our dedicated Development Officers will be thrilled to talk through the huge amount of options so please do reach out to discuss.

Make a Festival Commitmemt

  • Could you use the opportunity of the festival to Think local? Perhaps you could change your catering supplier to the local bakers, switch to eco friendly cleaning materials or develop a cycle to work scheme? Could you ditch traditional business cards for an easy to edit digital version? The Highlands and Islands Climate Hub did just that!


  • Businesses are invited to sponsor the Highlands and Islands Climate Festival. There are a range of sponsorship options which are detailed within the Sponsorship Pack. Sponsorship allows the festival to continue and most importantly, allows us to offer financial support to community organisations to host meaningful events.

for Public Sector

Support events near you

  • Supporting events in any way is hugely appreciated. You could share our posts on social media or include details of our website and/or festival programme in your internal newsletters.

Host an event

  • There are a range of ways in which public sector organisations can host an event within the festival. Offices could enjoy a local produce Friday afternon buffet, or host an information display within your office which highlights festival events taking place near you. We would be happy to provide promotional materials. Perhaps you could carve some time to allow employees to listen to a brief presentation from the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub, or a community group. This kind of access to a captive audience of local people is invaluable to us!

Make a Festival Commitmemt

  • Could you use the opportunity of the festival to Think local? Consider what’s on your local high street or within short distance from your office. Could you use some of these businesses for your business requirements? Better for the planet and the high street!


  • There are endless ways in which organisations can sponsor the Highlands and Islands Climate Festival which we’ll gladly explore with you. Sponsorship allows the festival to continue and most importantly, allows us to offer financial support to community organisations to host meaningful events. See the sponsorship pack here and get in touch to discuss the options best suited to your orgnaisation.